Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > spiritual realization as enligtenment > Page 3


benevolent and indifferent Presence (No. 3)

one touching together

Page 3

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You will sense this direct knowing, this contact with, in the body as a subtle sense, yet it will not be an emotion. Some appear to have sudden shifts into this knowing, others gradual. Some may know of this knowing after a time of being contacted by it. Yet, knowing will validate itself. One could inquire of you, "How do you know?" From this knowing in not-knowing, you could reply, "I know in not knowing how I do not know how I know." Or, "I know that I know." Or, possibly best, remain silent.

One receives the beauty of the Sun,
only by welcoming the beauty of the Sun.
Yet, no one knows the Sun for anyone else,
the Light touches one, for one to say,
"I know, by the Sun I know."
How? Being touched by the Sun,
one touching becomes one touching together.

Winter Sunshine

*(C)2018 Brian K. Wilcox

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > spiritual realization as enligtenment > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024